Who are we?

We come from a very long line of florists, we can trace our history back to Georgian times.

At the turn of the century (1900's) Nash's were renowned London East End Florists, trading from the Essex Road

In 1929 the family opened their first shop in Maidenhead in Market street, over the years 3 shops in King Street and one in Marlow, followed

Our Great-Grandparents were assisted in the business by all the brothers and their sister, in the 1950's, Bill Nash, took the reins and assisted by his wife Jean became well known in Maidenhead for flowers.

Nowadays it is run by Sally (Bill and Jean's daughter) Vernon and their sons; Ben and James. Between them they have over 150 years experience- so I think we can safely say flowers are in our blood!

We believe to date we are the longest (oldest) family owned and run florist in the country.